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Results for Publications tagged: Terrestrial conservation

  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    Bioenergy Burning: A Compendium of Studies

    This document is a compendium of various written products CEA has produced for The David and Lucile Packard Foundation’s Beyond Bioenergy strategy over the past five years. The information includes: a briefing presented on the current trends, threats, and opportunities presented by bioenergy; a primer on bioenergy and its economics and emissions profile; an analysis to quantify the emissions footprint of bioenergy; and high-level findings from CEA’s 2023 mid-term review of the 2020-2024 Beyond Bioenergy strategy.

  • Conservation Strategy Fund

    2015 to 2020 Strategic Plan: Conservation Strategy Fund

    In 2014, CEA worked closely with CSF’s leadership to evaluate the needs, challenges, and opportunities for the organization and help them make important decisions about key elements of the organization’s next five years of growth, including: funding model, program and geographic expansion, organizational structure, board structure, executive leadership, and communications.

  • Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

    Reducing Climate Policy Risk

    This report identifies the largest sources of uncertainty and omitted greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in the land use, land use change, and forestry (LULUCF) sections of the U.S. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI). It provides recommendations for how to address the highest priority uncertainties and omissions. The report and underlying analysis was developed by CEA in partnership with partners and advisors.

  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    The Writing on the Wall: How environmentalists and an energy company found common ground in Carbon County, Utah

    This report, authored by CEA on behalf of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, examines a deal between the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and the Bill Barrett Corporation that shrank the footprint of a major natural gas development near Utah’s Desolation Canyon.

  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    David and Lucile Packard Foundation Western Conservation Evaluation: Summary

    From 2010 to 2014, CEA served as a third-party evaluator of the Western Conservation subprogram. We conducted numerous investigations of the Foundation’s work in the region and produced deeper dives on specific grantmaking clusters. This report summarizes the findings of a final evaluation for the program, conducted in 2015.

  • Climate and Land Use Alliance

    Challenges and Opportunities for Conservation, Agriculture Production, and Social Inclusion in the Cerrado Biome

    In 2015/2016, on behalf of the Climate and Land Use Alliance, CEA developed this assessment on the Cerrado Biome. The work was conducted in partnership with a Brazilian project manager and with guidance and input from several Brazilian civil society organizations and researchers. CEA also developed a set of strategic recommendations based on our research, designed to contribute to the development of CLUA’s emerging Cerrado strategy.

  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    Ending Tropical Deforestation: The Global Debate about Biofuels and Land-Use Change

    In partnership with World Resources Institute and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, CEA authored a working paper on the state of the biofuels industry and its links to tropical deforestation. This paper was published as part of the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum 2018.