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Climate White Spaces

Recognizing the growing urgency of climate change, the Packard Foundation commissioned CEA to conduct interviews with several dozen climate experts in the summer of 2015 to identify additional promising areas for philanthropic work.

The purpose of these conversations was to develop a general sense of whether there are significant “white spaces,” or strategic gaps, within the climate mitigation field. The report is a high level, public synthesis of those conversations with experts.

This analysis was ultimately used to inform the foundation’s internal deliberations on how to promote innovation and breakthrough strategies in the climate response, and the findings informed the creation of the Climate Breakthrough Project, an initiative launched in 2016 by the Packard Foundation in collaboration with the Oak and Good Energies foundations.

Fisheries Management Index

CEA collaborated with researchers from the University of Washington to provide the first-ever index covering research, management, enforcement, and socioeconomic dimensions for the leading fishing countries of the world. Since the original publications, University of Washington collaborators have updated the index on a regular basis.

Reducing Climate Policy Risk

This report identifies the largest sources of uncertainty and omitted greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in the land use, land use change, and forestry (LULUCF) sections of the U.S. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI). It provides recommendations for how to address the highest priority uncertainties and omissions. The report and underlying analysis was developed by CEA in partnership with partners and advisors.

Global Landscape Review of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPS): Summary Findings

The purpose of this report is to synthesize the findings from our eight-month investigation of fishery improvement projects (FIPs), for which we conducted 30 site visits and over 140 interviews globally. The goal of this investigation was to understand how FIPs are currently implemented around the world and characterize their progress, best practices, and lessons learned.

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing: A Whitepaper

This whitepaper characterizes the status of IUU fishing, the philanthropic community’s current activities to address it, and potential opportunities for the Packard Foundation to engage in initiatives that seek to reduce IUU. The paper was drafted in March and April 2015 by Bernd Cordes and CEA, and was compiled through a combination of desk research and a handful of select interviews.

Recommendations for a Global Framework to Ensure the Legality and Traceability of Wild-Caught Fish Products

The Expert Panel on Legal and Traceable Wild Fish Products is a multidisciplinary expert group, convened by WWF, to promote a global framework for ensuring the legality and traceability of all wild-caught fish products. In 2015, CEA helped to produce this report, outlining the recommendations of the panel. This report was submitted to the Presidential Task Force on Combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Seafood Fraud, and shared among international leaders on IUU.

A Practical Guide to Cool Roofs and Cool Pavements

From 2008 through 2014, CEA supported the scoping, launch, and development of the Global Cool Cities Alliance (GCCA). GCCA is a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating a worldwide transition to cooler, healthier cities. In partnership with GCCA staff, CEA produced this “primer” to introduce a wide audience to the technical features and benefits of cool roofs and cool pavements.

Global Cool Cities Alliance: Strategy and Operations Plan

From 2008 through 2014, CEA supported the scoping, launch, and development of the Global Cool Cities Alliance (GCCA). GCCA is a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating a worldwide transition to cooler, healthier cities. CEA authored this business plan as part of its role in incubating GCCA. CEA subsequently supported the search and hire of GCCA’s founding Executive Director and served as part-time staff support for several years.

Design to Win

This seminal report, authored by CEA in 2007, helped to launch the ClimateWorks Foundation. It was an early exploration of how philanthropy could have a greater impact on mitigating climate change. Using cost curves and other research, the “Design to Win” analysts ranked investments by their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their ability to prevent the “lock-in” of long-lived, carbon-intensive infrastructure.

Challenges and Opportunities for Conservation, Agriculture Production, and Social Inclusion in the Cerrado Biome

In 2015/2016, on behalf of the Climate and Land Use Alliance, CEA developed this assessment on the Cerrado Biome. The work was conducted in partnership with a Brazilian project manager and with guidance and input from several Brazilian civil society organizations and researchers. CEA also developed a set of strategic recommendations based on our research, designed to contribute to the development of CLUA’s emerging Cerrado strategy.

Our Shared Seas

CEA authored and edited this comprehensive guide to ocean conservation. It provides a synthesis of recent trends and emerging research on the marine environment in a plain-language compilation as an information resource for ocean conservation funders and practitioners. This report has evolved into a website, curated by CEA, which publishes up to date research, information, and synthesis on the state of ocean conservation.

Catalyzing the Growth of Electronic Monitoring in Fisheries: Progress Update (2020)

This report is a progress update on CEA and TNC’s original (2018) assessment of electronic monitoring in fisheries. This report revisits the original recommendations, tracks the progress and new innovations that have been made, identifies key remaining barriers, and updates the investment blueprint based on what has changed or been learned over the last year and a half. Website:

Catalyzing the Growth of Electronic Monitoring in Fisheries (2018)

This report presents an overview of the current state of electronic monitoring (EM) in fisheries, the benefits of the technology, and the main barriers to broader adoption, as well as a set of recommendations to help catalyze the growth of EM in fisheries. CEA conducted the analysis presented in this report on behalf of and in partnership with The Nature Conservancy in 2018.